Central Monitoring News

Archive for April, 2013

GA Security Companies Fighting Crime with Technology

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on April 17, 2013

With modern methods and new technologies available, crime is adapting and changing with it. Those who routinely take what does not belong to them find there are many new ways they can do this. The information they need is literally right at their fingertips with the Internet and other technology they may use.  This understandably concerns many homeowners. No one wants to have to worry about their personal safety, identity or belongings. However, the best way to combat rising crime technology advances is to equip themselves with their own type of technology.

Home security systems have evolved in recent years. The former annoyances and drawbacks residents had with these alarm systems have largely been eliminated. Many GA security companies operate through a central monitoring system that delivers necessary assistance without a complicated process.

An Albany home security company that prides itself on innovative technologies to keep homes and businesses safe is Central Monitoring. One of the leading southwest GA security companies, they have been in business for over 29 years. Central Monitoring focuses on quality with trained technicians and quality security products.

The Honeywell Total Connect system is one of Central Monitoring’s most comprehensive products. With its up-to-date design and remote access capabilities, it gives residents of Albany home security option they can trust.

With a smart phone or other wireless device, Total Connect users stay connected to their homes and control the security system even if they are not home. Using wireless technology bypasses a burglar’s trick of cutting phone lines before a break in. The system sends an alert to the homeowner when the security system is armed or disabled.

Attention to detail makes Central Monitoring one of the best GA security companies available. With its security system, users can see a live video of their homes. This opens up possibilities beyond burglar protection.

A parent can see that her children arrived home from school safely. If a homeowner is expecting an important package, he can see when it arrives. A wireless key remote makes it possible for the homeowner to turn off the security system or to turn on a light with the push of a button.

The Total Connect system senses motion, alerts homeowners when someone is entering their home, and protects valuables by sending an alert if someone disturbs or moves them. Motion detection technology distinguishes between a crawling intruder or a family pet, preventing false alarms.

Central Monitoring offers Albany home security against other disasters besides home invasion. Users receive remote alerts from smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. The company’s systems recognize extreme temperatures and water leaks as well.

The technologies provided by Central Monitoring and its Honeywell Total Connect remote services give Albany homeowners peace of mind. Although burglars have advanced methods of intrusion, this security system foils their attempts.

It is no longer necessary for a resident to wonder during a morning business meeting if they armed the security system or locked the door. A simple scan of their phone or wireless device will give them all the information they need to stay safe. If fire breaks out or freezing temperatures threaten pipes, an alert goes to the homeowner immediately.

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