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Learn How and When to Use a Fire Extinguisher

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on December 17, 2013

Many homes are outfitted with home security essentials like smoke detectors and security systems. However, most homeowners don’t know how to use a fire extinguisher, even if there’s one hanging in the kitchen for emergencies. An extraordinary number of accidents and deaths occur in the U.S. each year because of malfunctioning smoke alarms, fatal burns, cooking accidents, burning candles and fireplaces. Knowledge of proper fire extinguisher operation may save a life.

Learn Before the Fire

The U. S. Fire Administration says a fire extinguisher can save lives when it’s used correctly. However, the biggest obstacle most homeowners have in fighting a fire is using the fire extinguisher incorrectly. Scheduling a practice session with local Albany fire protection professionals is a smart idea, and it can help homeowners extinguish small fires quickly.

Tip: Always call the fire department first and then use the fire extinguisher after emergency personnel are on the way.

Basic Fire Extinguisher Operation

A fire extinguisher that hangs on the wall next to the stove won’t do any good if residents don’t understand the basic operating procedures for this fire safety device. All fire extinguishers come with directions printed on the exterior of the canister and usually offer graphical directions that are easy to follow. Be sure these directions are read and understood before the extinguisher is needed.

Fire safety professionals use an acronym to help people remember how to use and operate a fire extinguisher in four steps:


1. Pull the pin to release the extinguisher’s lock
2. Aim low at the bottom of the fire
3. Squeeze the trigger to release fire-fighting agent
4. Sweep the extinguisher laterally to douse entire area

Tip: Remember that a fire extinguisher will only work for about 10 seconds. This means fighting a large fire isn’t a job for a small extinguisher, but a job for the fire department.

Remember Fire Safety Maintenance

Fire extinguishers have expiration dates, just like many items in the home. A fire extinguisher will not be viable forever and needs to be checked every so often to make sure the device will work when needed. For example, extinguishers that use dry chemicals to fight fires need to be shaken about once a month, so the material doesn’t settle inside the extinguisher and become non-operational.

In addition to working fire extinguishers, the National Safety Council suggests that working smoke alarms are one of the most important facets of home fire safety. Smoke detectors that are over a decade old should be replaced, and the batteries should be renewed every year.

Choose a holiday or special day of the year for battery replacement. Many homeowners choose the day when daylight savings goes into effect. Additionally, monthly testing of smoke detectors is also recommended as well as connecting the smoke detectors to the security system in the home.

Fire is unpredictable and dangerous when it occurs in the home, and proper fire extinguisher operation can save lives. Remember that fighting fires is the job of professionals and that a fire extinguisher is not the primary means of taking care of a home fire emergency. Enhance home fire safety with a fire extinguisher, but don’t rely on this device as the sole option for fighting fire.

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