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Business and Crime Prevention

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on May 14, 2014

Crime is an unfortunate and unavoidable part of life, but when it occurs in the commercial sector it can have significant and wide-ranging consequences. Businesses are particularly prone to crimes like burglary, shoplifting, fraud and vandalism. These crimes can exact a large financial toll, endanger employees and even threaten the viability of a business as a whole.

Crime can impact production, scare off investors and tarnish the reputation of a business, causing ripple effects that spread far beyond the initial act. In fact, up to 30 percent of all business failures may be related to crime. This makes it all the more important to understand the crimes a business may face and employ an effective strategy for identifying and preventing criminal acts before they happen.

Burglary and Shoplifting
Perhaps the biggest criminal threat to a business is theft, and the commercial sector loses tens of billions of dollars every year as a result. Burglaries and shoplifting are particularly common, with more than 30 percent of all businesses reporting at least one instance of theft and many reporting multiple cases. Employee theft is especially harmful because it may not be noticed immediately, and it can have a strongly negative impact on the public perception of a business.

Though it may seem trivial in comparison to theft or fraud, vandalism poses a significant problem for businesses. More than half of all businesses will experience at least one instance of vandalism, with an average financial loss of more than $3,000 per incident. Vandalism often results in the destruction of property and, in some cases, can lead to a substantial loss of inventory or reduced production capacity in addition to the immediate financial toll.

Crime Prevention
The good news is that active crime prevention measures have proven to be effective if employed properly. Most crimes are born of opportunity, and removing the opportunity removes much of the threat. The overriding principle for an effective crime prevention plan is to make it as physically difficult as possible to commit a crime. Here are several simple steps that can significantly reduce the threat of criminal activity.

Use Closed-Circuit Television
The average person may take little note of the security cameras that adorn many businesses and retail establishments, but criminals certainly will. Few measures are more effective at discouraging crime than a closed-circuit television system and well-placed cameras. Not only do the cameras send a strong message to would-be criminals, but a CCTV feed can be an invaluable resource for on-site security personnel or for police investigators.

Secure Entrances
Doors and windows should be locked at all times outside of regular business hours. Any other potential entrances, such as air ducts, skylights and other openings should be well-secured and inspected regularly. A criminal is much less likely to commit a crime when they struggle to gain entry.

Light the Darkness
It may seem simple, but darkness is one of a criminal’s greatest assets. By removing shadows and hiding places, effective security lighting around all potential entrances and exits can significantly reduce the chances that a criminal will attempt entry. For businesses that operate at night, good lighting also projects an air of safety to customers.

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​Innovation is the Key to Commercial Security in GA

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on May 6, 2013

Today’s Georgia business requires a state-of-the-art security system that is networked, integrated and interactive. Gone are the days when a simple burglar alarm and smoke alarm would suffice. Leading-edge commercial security in GA includes an array of advanced features, and it protects your commercial property around the clock in a way that traditional systems never could.

Access Control

Controlling access to your commercial security is a focal point of the best GA security systems. Modern software can establish highly customizable access control while also integrating with all preexisting hardware. The most common keyless entry system uses identification cards that the users swipe for access. Other options include proximity cards and biometric technology, and systems can support up to 150 unique user codes.

Supervised Openings & Closings

The most common forms of significant employee theft occur prior to and after standard business hours. With top-of-the-line security, the system logs all entrances and exits, and it can even push reports when the system has been armed or disarmed outside of the expected parameters.

Remote Service

The best systems used for commercial security in GA are connected to the Internet and allow a user to access and even manipulate through any Web-enabled device, including smartphones and dashboard computers. In the scenario of an after-hours disarm, the system can alert the business owner in real-time and even provide a video stream from the CCTV cameras.


The best GA security systems also have partitioning capabilities, which means that you can compartmentalize all aspects of the system. In other words, providing an individual access to the system that does mean having to grant them full access, and it is possible to add and remove privileges for individuals on an as-needed basis.

Fire Protection

Like traditional systems, cutting-edge security systems also integrate fire protection that complies with the fire codes for the jurisdiction in which the physical location resides. In addition to monitored fire alarms, popular features include manual pull stations and horn strobes. In order to comply with fire codes and insurance requirements, the service can also perform monthly or less frequent inspections.

Burglary Protection

Leading commercial security in GA also include sophisticated burglar protection. Modern burglar alarm solutions are customized for the specific business and can include features like panic buttons. With Internet connectivity, the system continues to work even without a phone connection, and with cellular connectivity, the system does not even require a wired or Wi-Fi Internet connection.

Central Monitoring

If you’re a business owner in the market for state-of-the-art protection for his or her commercial enterprise, then contact Central Monitoring. Central Monitoring is a leading GA security firm and has been protecting businesses and homes in the area for more than 29 years. Central Monitoring’s station is up and running 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with live operators, and emergency services are available around the clock.

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