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Archive for December, 2013

10 Common New Year’s Resolutions

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on December 18, 2013

Commercials for weight-loss programs, stop-smoking patches and the local gym all seem to increase during the winter holiday as people start to think about their New Year’s resolutions. Health-related resolutions are always popular, but many individuals have bigger goals in the mind for 2014. Here’s a list of the most common New Year’s resolutions to help you decide what areas of your life to tackle this year:

1. Lose weight

More than 1/3 of adults in the U.S. are obese and that number has been going up every year. Losing weight is a popular resolution for millions of Americans each year, but it’s also one of the hardest, since it’s much easier to gain weight than it is to get rid of it.

2. Eat healthy

Many people eat fast food multiple times a week and have terrible diets. Eating healthy isn’t impossible, however, and it can even be done on a budget. Sometimes all it takes is a few healthy habits to improve an entire lifestyle.

3. Drink less

Liquid calories add up to a lot of extra weight, and when they come in the form of alcohol, damage to the liver and heart may result. Drinking less alcohol is a laudable goal for many New Year’s celebrants. Though 2014 doesn’t have to be completely dry, drinking less is a healthy goal.

4. Reduce debt

Many people have car loans, a mortgage, student loans and credit card debt. Reducing and controlling debt is a popular resolution and may lead to opportunities to invest and save money for the future. Debt can be stressful and reducing it can lead to an enjoyable new year.

5. Quit smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the hardest New Year’s resolutions to keep, but the health benefits can be lifesaving. Putting down the cigarette is a significant thing to do for anyone who has a family depending on his or her good health.

6. Save money

Many people don’t think about savings or retirement until it’s too late. A resolution to save money is important for future financial health. Putting together a savings plan doesn’t require thousands of dollars; starting small is a great way to get into the habit of saving money.

7. Get a better job

Low pay or an unrewarding job can make every day a chore. Making a resolution to get a better and more enjoyable job can make you happier and healthier in the next year, even if your new job doesn’t pay more.

8. Take a vacation

Many people work too much and get stressed out. A vacation can be a relaxing goal for 2014, and it can provide a way to reconnect with family.

9. Go back to school

Education enriches your life and increases your earning potential. Going back to school in the new year may offer an avenue toward better pay and a more rewarding work life.

10. Update Home Security

An old security system with smoke detectors that don’t work reduces the level of Albany fire protection a homeowner enjoys. When a new year rolls around, homeowners often choose to update their home security service to provide a safer environment for the family.

Whether you have one resolution in mind or a bevy of resolutions to stick to, 2014 offers a fresh opportunity to make positive changes in your life.

Happy New Year!

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Learn How and When to Use a Fire Extinguisher

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on December 17, 2013

Many homes are outfitted with home security essentials like smoke detectors and security systems. However, most homeowners don’t know how to use a fire extinguisher, even if there’s one hanging in the kitchen for emergencies. An extraordinary number of accidents and deaths occur in the U.S. each year because of malfunctioning smoke alarms, fatal burns, cooking accidents, burning candles and fireplaces. Knowledge of proper fire extinguisher operation may save a life.

Learn Before the Fire

The U. S. Fire Administration says a fire extinguisher can save lives when it’s used correctly. However, the biggest obstacle most homeowners have in fighting a fire is using the fire extinguisher incorrectly. Scheduling a practice session with local Albany fire protection professionals is a smart idea, and it can help homeowners extinguish small fires quickly.

Tip: Always call the fire department first and then use the fire extinguisher after emergency personnel are on the way.

Basic Fire Extinguisher Operation

A fire extinguisher that hangs on the wall next to the stove won’t do any good if residents don’t understand the basic operating procedures for this fire safety device. All fire extinguishers come with directions printed on the exterior of the canister and usually offer graphical directions that are easy to follow. Be sure these directions are read and understood before the extinguisher is needed.

Fire safety professionals use an acronym to help people remember how to use and operate a fire extinguisher in four steps:


1. Pull the pin to release the extinguisher’s lock
2. Aim low at the bottom of the fire
3. Squeeze the trigger to release fire-fighting agent
4. Sweep the extinguisher laterally to douse entire area

Tip: Remember that a fire extinguisher will only work for about 10 seconds. This means fighting a large fire isn’t a job for a small extinguisher, but a job for the fire department.

Remember Fire Safety Maintenance

Fire extinguishers have expiration dates, just like many items in the home. A fire extinguisher will not be viable forever and needs to be checked every so often to make sure the device will work when needed. For example, extinguishers that use dry chemicals to fight fires need to be shaken about once a month, so the material doesn’t settle inside the extinguisher and become non-operational.

In addition to working fire extinguishers, the National Safety Council suggests that working smoke alarms are one of the most important facets of home fire safety. Smoke detectors that are over a decade old should be replaced, and the batteries should be renewed every year.

Choose a holiday or special day of the year for battery replacement. Many homeowners choose the day when daylight savings goes into effect. Additionally, monthly testing of smoke detectors is also recommended as well as connecting the smoke detectors to the security system in the home.

Fire is unpredictable and dangerous when it occurs in the home, and proper fire extinguisher operation can save lives. Remember that fighting fires is the job of professionals and that a fire extinguisher is not the primary means of taking care of a home fire emergency. Enhance home fire safety with a fire extinguisher, but don’t rely on this device as the sole option for fighting fire.

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Safety and Security Tips for the Party Season

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on December 16, 2013

Glasses of eggnog, festive music, and gatherings of family and friends mark the holiday season. If the hostess forgets to take security precautions, however, that Christmas soiree or New Year’s Eve bash can go from fun to frightful in a hurry. Whether a homeowner is hosting dozens of near strangers or a small gathering of close friends, there are a number of ways to improve Albany security and safety during the celebratory season.

Control Large Crowds

For homeowners who are fortunate enough to have a large circle of friends and family at their holiday celebrations, the convergence of so many people at parties represent the potential for some security problems. If a party might have several dozen guests, hiring individuals to guard the door and take invitations is a good idea.

It’s not uncommon for enthusiastic “party crashers” to show up at a home, uninvited, and create a little chaos. A guard at the door should reduce the chances of uninvited guests and create a safer environment for everyone who was on the guest list. Additionally, hiring security personnel who can stand at major entrances or watch various points of entry is advisable.

Create Barriers to Personal Spaces

Although rare circumstances might warrant it, most holiday revelers won’t need to enter the family’s private living space, like the bedrooms or bathrooms. For gatherings where visitors might include more than close family members, put up some barriers to the hallways or doorways that lead into the bedrooms.

For families that have yet to open Christmas presents, relocating the gifts for the party is a good idea, even if everyone on the guest list seems trustworthy. A wayward child could rip into a present without realizing that the gaily wrapped temptations weren’t meant for him or her.

Secure the Perimeter

A homeowner can’t be everywhere at the same time, and when everyone is inside enjoying the party, the outside of the home might invite the stares of possible thieves. Homeowners should consider perimeter alarms or motion-sensor lights that come with today’s home security systems. A thief who wants to break into any one of the guest’s vehicles might be scared away by the sudden illumination of a floodlight.

Another option to secure the exterior of the home is to install surveillance cameras around points that aren’t viewable from the interior of the home. Wireless camera technology makes it relatively simple to increase security through a widespread network of surveillance cameras. If a homeowner wishes, he or she can keep track of what the cameras see by installing a CCTV system that is viewable on the family computer or on a mobile device like smartphone or a tablet computer.

The holidays are meant to be enjoyed with family and friends, and taking precautions before the festivities begin to create a safe and secure environment will lead to the best holiday memories. The Department of Commerce says security is “everyone’s responsibility,” so be sure to do your part before the guests arrive.

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Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on December 13, 2013

‘Tis the season’ – for increased theft and home fire rates! Doesn’t sound like something you’d hear during the happy holiday season, but this time of year is prime for home break-ins and fires, so while crossing off your shopping list and trimming your tree, make sure home security is still a priority by following a few guidelines.

1. Contact your home security service

It’s never a bad idea to give your security company a call and make sure your info is up to date and your system is working properly. Also notifying your security company of any travel plans you have is important since they need to be able to reach you or a trusted friend if there is a security issue in your home. If you haven’t yet contacted one of the Georgia security companies in your area, the holiday season is the best time to invest in the safety of your home and belongings!

2. Take care of that Christmas tree

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), fire departments respond to an average of 230 home fires started by Christmas trees each year! Your best defense is to make sure your live tree is watered regularly, and that the lights you hang on the tree are in good condition with no frayed wires or broken bulbs. Also, keep any heat source, like space heaters, away from the tree. Placing your tree at least 6 feet away from the fireplace can reduce the chance of a rogue spark setting it on fire.

3.Keep the presents hidden

Although it looks nice to see your beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree, keep them out of sight until Christmas Eve. Any burglar who spots a pile of gift-wrapped boxes through the window would do whatever possible to get access to them and ruin your holiday.

4. Give your electricity bill a break

Although it’s tempting to fill your home inside and out with twinkling lights, plastic reindeer and a dancing Santa, you can easily cause a short circuit. Exposed wires, power strips, moving parts—all of these increase the chances of a fire in your home. Make sure that any electrical decorations and lights you use are in good condition and proper working order. Set your tree and outside lights to a timer, so there is no chance of forgetting to turn them off before you go to bed.

5. Check your smoke detectors

Smoke detectors need to be checked every 6 months. It’s best to change the batteries, even if they seem to work fine when you test them. Even better, make sure your security company offers monitored smoke detection, so the monitoring station knows when there is smoke in your home and can dispatch the fire department for you. This is especially handy if you plan on being away from home for any period of time this holiday season.

6. Keep the fire in your fireplace

If you like to relax by a glowing fireplace and warm your toes, make sure you have your chimney cleaned and inspected before using it for the winter. Creosote build-up is dangerous and toxic, and it can ignite a chimney fire that can quickly get out of control. Make sure a certified chimney sweeper inspects the integrity of the interior and exterior of your chimney, and removes any creosote buildup.

Most importantly, use your security system! Set your alarm before you leave the house, and keep it on when you are home too. Make sure your doors and windows are locked and that you are protected 24 hours a day. Contact one of the best Georgia security companies, Central Monitoring, for advice and tips on holiday safety this year, www.central911.com.

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