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Security Cameras Can Protect Wedding Gifts

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on June 23, 2014

There is a lot to handle, manage and control during a wedding. Wise wedding planners have a plan to deal with each issue, including the potential theft of wedding gifts.

So Much to Deal With During Wedding Season

The bride and groom often hire wedding planners to coordinate the food, entertainment and security. But the wedding planner cannot be in all places at all times. Why not establish a hidden “central security van” with access to Wedding Cakesecurity cameras? This could prevent any problems at your special event.

The wedding schedule doesn’t allow much time to keep track of everything. Wealthy guests will expect you to protect them and their belongings. Hidden security cameras are a great idea to handle problems before, during and after the celebration.

Security Cameras Provide Peace of Mind 

While you enjoy the festivities during this wedding season, well-placed security cameras can control access to your event. Prevent wedding crashers from ruining your event. Others will feel safer when they see the cameras are in place.

Your guests will leave electronic devices, cameras, purses and maybe even their vehicles on the property. You have a duty to make sure they are well cared for. Installing electronic surveillance devices can help you fulfill your duties.

Protecting Wedding Gifts 

Wedding gifts are another great reason to have security cameras installed. Gift cards, jewelry, expensive electronic devices and other items can be easily stolen by someone who knows he is not being watched. The metal gift card box should be in a secure location with a hidden camera right on it. A sign saying “You are being watched. Enjoy the wedding” is a subtle warning to prevent would-be pilfering.

When you want to start a new life, why play games with security at your wedding? You know there will be many valuables. Many wedding gifts are intended to be in your family for generations. A wedding crasher doesn’t care. He can pawn your gifts for easy money.

You may choose to place security cameras at the building entrance, coat room, parking lot and gift room. This helps your security staff verify what is going on at all times. At the height of your “I Dos” is when the wedding thief is most likely to strike. Beat him at his own game with wedding surveillance tapes and cameras.

Evidence of Theft After the Fact 

How many people have said – “I had something stolen, do you have video cameras?” During the wedding, you don’t want to interrupt the ceremony if something is lost. With installed cameras, you can always view the recordings with the police later to find information you might have missed.

Security cameras can also be helpful for those who are forgetful after having too much to drink. Maybe they dropped their car keys or smart phone. Your security can review the tapes and return the property to the rightful owner.

Consider all options to keep your family and your guests safe during your special day.

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