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Have a Memorable Valentine’s Day—For All the Right Reasons

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on February 12, 2014

Valentine’s Day is an exciting time for couples. It can be a bit stressful, too. We often have dozens of details to get just right in order to pull off that perfect special night for the one we love. It’s not surprising then that many of us experience tunnel vision during this time of year. As we get caught up in the moment, it’s easy to lose sight of mundane but crucial concerns like fire safety.home security service

Did you know that both residential and commercial fires spike on Valentine’s Day? That’s why Central Monitoring, a home security service in the area, works so hard to get their safety message out in February. Some of the highlights of that message include the following tips for Albany fire protection on Valentine’s Day and Night.

Cooking at Home

Most residential fires occur while cooking, and those fires generally ignite because the cook left a hot oven or other appliance unattended. Fires in the kitchen can happen even when the chef has a lot of experience. On Valentine’s Day, however, it’s common, and perhaps even traditional, for the less experienced of the pair to handle cooking duties. That can lead to all kinds of problems, especially when you factor in distractions and adult beverages.


Fireplaces are an obvious fire hazard throughout the season, but they can be a particular cause for concern on Valentine’s Day because of traditions. Fireplaces can be a lot of work, and many people have them in their homes but tend to use them only on special occasions like this one. It’s important that a fireplace be serviced and cleaned every season, and if you haven’t done that yet, schedule it before your big night or don’t use it. If you do use the fireplace, be aware of blankets and other flammable objects. A good rule to follow is to maintain three feet between the fire and everything else.


When it comes to Albany fire protection on Valentine’s Night, candles, and to a lesser extent incense, oils and other fragrance sources, are a big concern. If you don’t use candles regularly, then it’s very easy to forget about them, and a candle left lit overnight can be very dangerous. Place and light your candles with care, and be sure to snuff them all out before turning in for the night.


Many of the fires and other mishaps that occur on Valentine’s Day can be linked to alcohol. To help prevent accidents, drunk-proof your environment before indulging. For example, before partaking of that second or third glass of wine, check the kitchen appliances and snuff out the candles.

Fire Alarm Monitoring

The best way to protect yourself and your loved one from fire on Valentine’s Day, or any day, is by having fire alarms that are installed and monitored around the clock by a home security service. If your home is lacking fire protection, the lead up to Valentine’s Day is a good time to correct that.

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10 Common New Year’s Resolutions

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on December 18, 2013

Commercials for weight-loss programs, stop-smoking patches and the local gym all seem to increase during the winter holiday as people start to think about their New Year’s resolutions. Health-related resolutions are always popular, but many individuals have bigger goals in the mind for 2014. Here’s a list of the most common New Year’s resolutions to help you decide what areas of your life to tackle this year:

1. Lose weight

More than 1/3 of adults in the U.S. are obese and that number has been going up every year. Losing weight is a popular resolution for millions of Americans each year, but it’s also one of the hardest, since it’s much easier to gain weight than it is to get rid of it.

2. Eat healthy

Many people eat fast food multiple times a week and have terrible diets. Eating healthy isn’t impossible, however, and it can even be done on a budget. Sometimes all it takes is a few healthy habits to improve an entire lifestyle.

3. Drink less

Liquid calories add up to a lot of extra weight, and when they come in the form of alcohol, damage to the liver and heart may result. Drinking less alcohol is a laudable goal for many New Year’s celebrants. Though 2014 doesn’t have to be completely dry, drinking less is a healthy goal.

4. Reduce debt

Many people have car loans, a mortgage, student loans and credit card debt. Reducing and controlling debt is a popular resolution and may lead to opportunities to invest and save money for the future. Debt can be stressful and reducing it can lead to an enjoyable new year.

5. Quit smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the hardest New Year’s resolutions to keep, but the health benefits can be lifesaving. Putting down the cigarette is a significant thing to do for anyone who has a family depending on his or her good health.

6. Save money

Many people don’t think about savings or retirement until it’s too late. A resolution to save money is important for future financial health. Putting together a savings plan doesn’t require thousands of dollars; starting small is a great way to get into the habit of saving money.

7. Get a better job

Low pay or an unrewarding job can make every day a chore. Making a resolution to get a better and more enjoyable job can make you happier and healthier in the next year, even if your new job doesn’t pay more.

8. Take a vacation

Many people work too much and get stressed out. A vacation can be a relaxing goal for 2014, and it can provide a way to reconnect with family.

9. Go back to school

Education enriches your life and increases your earning potential. Going back to school in the new year may offer an avenue toward better pay and a more rewarding work life.

10. Update Home Security

An old security system with smoke detectors that don’t work reduces the level of Albany fire protection a homeowner enjoys. When a new year rolls around, homeowners often choose to update their home security service to provide a safer environment for the family.

Whether you have one resolution in mind or a bevy of resolutions to stick to, 2014 offers a fresh opportunity to make positive changes in your life.

Happy New Year!

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The Best Home Alarm Systems for Renters

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on November 5, 2013

Renters have long operated under the assumption that installation of a security system is impossible in a rented space due to lease restrictions. However, today's wireless systems offer installation options that feature almost zero impact on a rented home or apartment. Just a few years ago, a lightweight security system would require modifications to the electrical system and lengthy wires strewn all around the residence.

Today, on the other hand, a home security service can install a wireless system where all functions can be handled from a single interface that connects wirelessly to a variety of devices such as cameras, proximity alarms and lamp timers. Alarm systems today don't even require access to a landline and can be monitored securely through cellular networks. Wireless monitoring also offers enhanced security because it's impossible to cut a wireless signal and interrupt the security system as might be done with a landline.

More Renters Need Security Systems

With the economy still in a state of slow recovery, renting has become much more popular as Americans work to get back on their feet after a few tough years. According to the National Multi Housing Council (NMHC), there were over a million renters in the state of Georgia in 2012 out of over 9.5 million residents. That's a large segment of the population with the potential to benefit from advances in wireless security systems.

Economic hardship and uncertainty have also led to rises in crime in many areas of the U.S., which has increased the importance of having a security system installed to protect the family. Although data suggests a recent decrease in overall crime in Albany, burglaries remain common.

Cost-Effective Solutions for Security

A home security service is often able to give homeowners significant discounts because there is the expectation of a contract and several years of uninterrupted service. Apartment dwellers often have much less certainty as far as length of stay is concerned and aren't always eligible for those deep discounts associated with monitored security systems.

The cost-effective nature of wireless systems offers renters new options for security system installation due to the ease of installing (and uninstalling) a system. Today's wireless systems may even be packed up and taken to a new residence in the event a renter moves into a new home. Asking a GA security company whether a contract can be taken to a new residence prior to installation is a good idea.

Advanced Features of Today's Wireless Systems

One of the greatest benefits of today's security systems is the remote monitoring available through a smartphone or any other Internet-ready device. The ability to connect with a home's wireless security system means that a parent can disarm or arm the security system from anywhere in the world when a child arrives home from school.

In addition, the benefits of a modern security system reach beyond issues of security since many systems today allow users to adjust the thermostat or turn the lights on or off. Residents who choose to install security cameras can view the video feed through a smart phone or computer as well as receive email or text notifications when a problem occurs.

Investigating GA security options is essential for keeping a family as safe as possible. Fortunately, families who rent a home or apartment no longer need to leave their residence and belongings unprotected.

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