Central Monitoring News

Archive for July, 2013

Home Security Essentials Help Protect Homeowners from Summer’s Sizzling Crime Rates

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on July 15, 2013

If you’re not involved in law enforcement or a business that provides home security essentials, you may not realize that crime rates rise in the summer. There are many reason for this phenomenon.

For one, schools are out for the summer. Though most teens don’t turn to criminal activity to fill the summer hours, some do unfortunately.

In addition, more people are out and about later due to pleasant weather. Because of this, a stranger walking in the neighborhood may not attract the attention he or she would during cold weather.

Vacations are another factor contributing to higher crime rates. It’s second nature for many of us to post our weekend and vacation plans on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook where complete strangers can read all about our comings and goings. This is why sites like Foursquare.com are particularly problematic year round. Posting your location to Twitter via Foursquare is like inviting someone to come and clean your house out while you’re at the club with friends or lying on the beach. Be social-media savvy and don’t post your every move to the entire World Wide Web.

High temperatures are another reason for the increase in crime during the summer. Some people don’t have air conditioning or can’t afford to run it except on the hottest days and nights of the year. Many people with air conditioning try to reduce their use in order to lower their electricity bill. Saving electricity is a good thing, especially for criminals. Your windows are open day and night and generally you have fans running even when you sleep. An open window is an open invitation to a burglar or someone worse. Being extra alert and closing the windows at night can help prevent someone from breaking in.

Central Monitoring and other companies that provide Honeywell in Georgia can help you take the advantage out of the criminal’s hands. Home security essentials provided by Central Monitoring range from alarms and keypads to outside alarm systems and security lights that are tripped when someone comes onto your property. You will be alerted if someone enters your yard or if an exterior door has been opened. You can even view live video feed of your home if you’re out.

Call or email Central Monitoring , a provider of Honeywell in Georgia, and speak to a professional representative who can explain all your home security options.​

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Myths About Home Security

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on July 15, 2013

Home security is one of those topics that comes up in commercials, in TV shows and online fairly often. On one hand, there are people trying to sell you gimmicky security systems that may or may not protect your home and your possessions. On the other hand, there are people who claim your house will never be broken into. Some people go the extreme opposite end of the spectrum, creating elaborate security systems against any possible intrusion. Every side has their own tales to tell, and where they meet, myths are born. Whether through ignorance or misinformation, it's hard to find the truth about home security essentials. That's why we take Albany security seriously—to root out the truth behind common myths.

1. No one will ever break into my home.

You might think that you're safe because Albany security is tight. The fact is, while some parts of the city are relatively safe, others have regular home invasions. Even if you live in a safe neighborhood and trust everyone who lives nearby, you can't be assured of your security. Anyone could drive by in a nondescript van, see your home and decide it looks open enough to break into. Anyone can be a target at any time.

2. Security systems are far too expensive.

Some vendors may try to sell you an overpriced security system, but our services are reasonable. If you're worried about the cost of a security system, simply add up the value of the items that might be stolen. Electronics, jewelry and valuables scattered around the home all add up. Divide the value you come up with by the cost per month of the security system you're considering and you'll see how valuable security really is.

3. I'll be forced into a long contract.

Contracts are not expensive, nor are they overly long. There are incentives for signing a longer contract for your home security essentials, of course, but you do not have to sign on for half a decade or longer. The average contract length is generally three years, and many people pay month to month without a contract.

4. My dog sets off alarms and triggers calls.

Large animals might set off motion sensors, but motion sensors are only one of the layers of protection a security system offers. You can also choose to use a pet-friendly motion detector that will recognize the difference between your dog and an intruder.

5. Insurance will replace anything that's stolen, so I don't need to worry.

Have you worked with insurance companies before? Many of them will do anything they can to pay you less than you deserve. Even if they do pay up, you have to think about irreplaceable heirlooms and family treasures. On top of that, no insurance company can replace the peace of mind you no longer feel when your home is violated.

6. My insurance rates won't go down with a security system installed.

Insurance calculations are detailed statistical analyses of hundreds of lifestyle factors, all of which affect your rates. A security system is a means of preventing theft, which in turn prevents claims and saves the insurance company money. Of course, they are going to lower your rates in exchange for lowering your risk.

7. I need professional installation and programming for the system.

While you certainly can opt for professional installation, and we are happy to offer the service, some security systems are easy to install on your own. As for programming them, if you can program a DVR or thermostat, you can program your security system.

With these myths cleared up, you see why a comprehensive security system is beneficial to your lifestyle. You can save money on insurance, sleep easy with peace of mind and know your family is safe.

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Albany Security Company Offers Advice on Preventing Grill Fires in Peak Season

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on July 12, 2013

Summer time is peak season for family fun, friendly barbeques and grill fires. Fortunately, a little harmless fun over good food with great friends doesn’t have to end in disaster if you simply take a few precautions. The following grill safety steps are easy to follow and help ensure everyone walks away from a barbeque safe and sound.

Clean Grills

Before starting up the old grill, you should always take the time to clean out the build-up of grease and fat. If your grill is equipped with a tray, be sure to scrub that down too, which will prevent fires started by igniting grease and fat deposits. Remember, grease fires spread quickly and are difficult to put out; simply avoiding the situation is the best option.

Safe Location

There are a couple of tips to keep in mind when deciding where to place your grill. Never use a grill next to your home, near porch railings or under tree branches or eaves. The best place to barbeque is in an area with at least a three foot safety zone. In addition, installing a fire alarm monitored by Albany security can provide extra protection, ensuring a minor mistake won’t turn into a major disaster.

Propane Safety

Use the bubble test to check your hoses before starting the grill. This is easily done with the application of a soap-and-water mix along the hose; the appearance of bubbles will indicate a leak. If this is the case, have your grill repaired before using it. However, if you smell gas at any point, immediately turn off the grill. Should the leak stop, send your grill in for repairs. If the leak persists, clear the area and contact the fire department.

Safety Measures

Taking extra safety precautions is always advisable. One such measure is to have Albany security monitoring your security systems. This will ensure emergency services are immediately contacted should the worst happen. Keeping a fire extinguisher on hand is a wise choice as well, this safety device is likely to minimize damage and save lives. Be sure to check the fire extinguisher on a regular basis to make sure it is functioning properly.

The Proper Tools

If you own a charcoal grill, chances are high you use charcoal starter fluid. Never use a substitute, since other fluids can be highly flammable and prone to cause hotter fires with higher flames. Using charcoal starter fluid on an open flame isn’t a good idea, either, not when the fire can travel along the stream and ignite the container. Finally, if you have long-handled grilling tools, use them. They are a far better alternative to catching your sleeve on fire or burning your hands and arms.

After the Barbeque

A hot grill is a serious fire hazard, so rather than tossing the ashes and storing the grill away after the barbeque, let the grill sit overnight. While the security of knowing someone is monitoring your security systems provides you with peace of mind, the last thing you want is to wake up to a fire started by a hot grill. By the next morning, the metal and ash will cool, allowing you to safely dispose of the ash in a metal container and store the grill away until the next barbeque.​

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Choosing the Right Door Access Systems for Your Business

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on July 10, 2013

Ensuring the safety of employees and company technology remains a vital concern for business owners today, and recent advancements in access control systems offer a tremendous level of privacy and security. Whether a business seeks to upgrade a current system, or whether it’s become necessary to install a new access system for the business, the following considerations will help a business owner make the best choice.

1. Define system vulnerabilities and solutions

An effective access system needs to restrict entry at all possible access points whether they are digital or physical. This means considering how employees might pass through restricted access door systems, and how computer access might be restricted. The best way to determine each of the vulnerabilities in a company’s buildings is by making a list of all access points and security weaknesses. In addition, a list needs to be made of every person who might need to use different access points.

2. Research available technologies

Depending on the number of access points within a building, there are different access door systems available that might provide the best protection for a company. Some common types of systems may include biometric or fingerprint access options, timed-entry systems, or traditional card-access programs. Honeywell access control systems are appropriate for businesses with just a single entry point or many potential entry spots. In many cases, biometric options offer the swiftest access options, but they tend to require a higher initial investment than existing card access systems.

3. Compare different systems

When consulting with a security company, most business owners will find that more than one system meets security requirements. Choosing the best system will usually boil down to price, scope, and potential for upgrades or future advancement. Recent Honeywell access control solutions provide options for managed access or web-based access control, and a business owner will need to decide on the features needed for a new system. Depending on the security level required, a compound access system might offer the best protection.

4. Choose a system provider

Comparison shopping for the best access system provider requires taking a look at the company’s reputation, speaking with past clients, and understanding the company’s standard pricing for systems and features. It is best to obtain an on-site estimate for installation and service from all system providers considered. The business owner or individual in charge of purchasing the system should be present for the evaluation.

5. Confirm system’s viability after installation

Once installation of the system is complete, it’s vital that the business owner confirms a link is active for the monitoring service that will keep track of security breaches and access concerns. In addition, a meeting is necessary that includes each member of the business who might utilize the system, such as employees who would use a key card for building access.

Choosing a system in which a business owner may place his or her confidence requires research and knowledge of current features, and how systems help to keep a location protected. Business owners should also remain knowledgeable about new technologies and advancements in order to keep the access control system up-to-date and effective.​

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Access Granted

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on July 3, 2013

Any company that has more than one employee needs to control access to its building. Unauthorized entry is a problem that can result from lost keys falling into the wrong hands, creating unfortunate outcomes for a business owner. Opting to avoid the expense of investing in a secure system that works perfectly every time leads some owners to use unreliable manual access systems.

A decision to use keys may never come to a bad end, but the likelihood that it can result in significant losses is greater than when access door systems are installed. Disgruntled employees often choose to cause harm as a way to retaliate for grievances that are unknown to management. Safeguarding the premises and valuable equipment is a matter of high priority. Failing to properly secure gates and entrances is equivalent to leaving them open, an unnecessary risk when excellent alternative measures are readily available.

Focus on Security
Security is based on vigilance, and successful business owners protect financial accounts and limit the number of employees who are authorized to know company secrets. The old adage “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link” is good advice that applies to a building’s security. Honeywell access control provides maximum protection and assures companies of superior performance.

Demand Increases with Growth
As a company grows and gains more employees, the need to ensure protection of valuable assets increases. Owners who never leave credit cards lying around may consider the equal threat posed by doors that anyone can use at any time. Most companies use computer systems to store proprietary information that includes financial data, product descriptions, inventions and patents, personnel records and other sensitive information. Categories of companies that can benefit from installing access systems include the following among many others:

• aerospace
• construction
• computer hardware and software
• defense
• electrical
• energy
• financial services
• healthcare
• information technology
• insurance
• legal
• manufacturing
• medical equipment
• pharmaceutical
• real estate
• retail
• transportation

Benefits of Convenience
Replacing locks is unnecessary when companies use access door systems, and the burdensome task of issuing, replacing and retrieving keys is an outmoded aspect of conducting business. Security is not the only reason that a company can benefit from access door systems. Payroll records are easily kept up-to-date by tracking the time when an employee enters the building.

Attendance at meetings is automatically registered, preventing the need to check a name off a list. Unauthorized visitors are denied admission when necessary, preventing security breaches. Awkward, last minute arrangements that involve bringing in additional chairs are avoided by using Honeywell access control to monitor room capacity.

Energy Savings
The smart use of access control allows a business owner to save on the cost of energy by turning off lights, air conditioning or heating in areas of a building that are not occupied. Coordinating building management with a control system provides energy savings that benefit a company’s profit line as well as the environment.

A Valuable Investment
Prevention of a costly mistake makes investing in an access control system an appropriate use of funds. Access to advanced technology today makes the task of securing a building affordable and worthwhile. Installing Honeywell access control is a wise business decision for small businesses and large corporations.

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