Central Monitoring News

Archive for November, 2013

GPS Devices Help Keep Kids Safe

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on November 27, 2013

Parents invariably worry about their children whether they’re in the backyard playing with the dog or across the country in a college dorm. Some parents whose children are headed out into the world for the first time to kindergarten or to play with neighborhood friends are using sophisticated tracking systems to help keep their kids safe when they’re away from home.

Safety Precaution or Spying Device?

Since Global Positioning System (GPS) technology has been widely used for more than a decade, many are comfortable using it when they need help getting from point A to point B. When it comes to using a GPS tracker for children, however, some parents fear it is akin to spying. Parents know that toddlers and young children can wander off quickly, so overcoming this fear could help avoid moments of panic in the future.

How GPS Works

With a GPS receiver, such as those found in smartphones and wrist watches, a signal is sent out to 27 Earth-orbiting satellites. The receiver’s job is to locate four or more of the satellites, figure out the distance to each, and use that information to pinpoint its location. GPS systems are very accurate, and it just takes seconds to locate a device and the person holding it.

GPS Devices Come in Many Packages

For children who might not be ready for the responsibility of owning a smartphone, there are other items a parent can use to track his or her child. GPS tracking devices can come in wrist watches, shoes or standalone units that can be clipped on a child’s clothes.

Additionally, some devices today also come with extra features that allow the user to notify a security monitoring service if there’s a problem. Just like the red panic button on a car alarm remote, some GPS devices also feature a panic button, which is a valuable option to help lost children find an adult quickly.

Know the Law

Before using a GPS tracking system, it’s a good idea to research local laws that regulate the ability of a parent to track his or her child. Just like there are rules to protect people from unauthorized voice recordings over the telephone, there are some rules that guide who can track another person with GPS.

Using GPS technology to track your children is convenient and comforting for parents raising children in a modern world, but it shouldn’t take the place of regular talks about safety. Telling children how to deal with strangers and how to call for help if there is trouble are still important conversations to have.

In addition to keeping the family safe with monitored home security systems, safety can extend beyond the front door with GPS tracking devices. Whether using a wrist watch for young children or buying a smartphone for older kids, devices outfitted with GPS technology can help parents stay in contact with their children at all times.

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Be the Brightest and Safest Home on the Block This Holiday Season

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on November 26, 2013

The fun of opening boxes of decorations and putting up wreaths and holiday lights must always be accompanied by simple safety rules that reduce the danger of fire from old strands of lights and overburdened electrical systems. Just because an outlet is built for four plugs, doesn’t mean it can handle four strands of holiday lights plugged into it. Consider the following simple methods for avoiding this and other safety issues when decorating the home for the holidays.

Stick with Smaller Bulbs

Older strands of exterior lights are often much larger than the lights that hang on the tree inside. Large lights may heat up dramatically and cause a fire hazard, especially when they’re placed near other decorations. If a homeowner prefers larger bulbs, never use them inside where the danger of fire may increase when they sit against a curtain or rest next to papery, handmade tree ornaments.

Ensure Indoor Safety with Lights

Just as it’s essential to check the exterior lights around the home for damage, the interior lights hung on the tree also require close inspection. The smoke detectors installed by an Albany security company will help alert homeowners to a smoking holiday tree, but the best solution is to avoid this danger in the first place by using appropriate lighting.

Look for UL and ETL Tested Lights

Only purchase new lights if they have been officially tested by a laboratory that specializes in such testing, such as ETL or UL. A strand of lights that has been tested will have a sticker or emblem on the outside that tells the buyer the lights are safe.

Put the Stapler Gun Away

A popular method of attaching Christmas lights to a house is to secure the wires with a staple gun. This is a bad idea because staples can cause wire damage and increased fire hazard. Light strands should be checked for fraying and damage, and using a staple gun will just hasten the wear that results from hanging the lights on the home. Light clips, available at most home improvement stores, are the safest option for hanging outdoor lights.

Protect Against Wind Damage

Be sure lights are securely attached to the house. Lights that are left to dangle and whip around in the wind may become damaged and may even cause false alarms from the home security essentials system when a wayward strand breaks a window or causes damage to the home.

Don’t Forget the Extension Cords

Just as exterior lights are necessary for outdoor decorations, the extension cords that will invariably snake their way across the home’s walls will also need to be made for outdoor use. Additionally, all light strands and extension cords should be plugged into GFCI outlets. These outlets will interrupt the electrical current if there is an imbalance in the circuitry.

Check the Smoke Detectors

Fire danger increases during the holidays and a quick check of home security essentials like smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors will help keep the family safe. If your Albany security system needs updating, chances are the electrical system could also use a refurbishment. There’s no way to eliminate the danger of electrical fires; however, an updated security system helps.

Focusing on safe holiday light strategies will allow all homeowners to have the most festive and safest house on the block. Keep the family safe with these smart, festive light safety rules.

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Security Risks of Geotagging

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on November 15, 2013

In the last few years, the phrase “geotagging” has switched from an interesting new feature on smartphones to a feature that could result in unintentional surveillance, danger and even violence. Smartphones have a GPS feature that allows users to take photographs and post them to various social media sites. When a photograph is tagged with a location, anyone can see exactly where that photo was taken.

Loss of Privacy and Safety

Many citizens already have concerns about privacy, and although geotagging has its uses, residents seeking the best GA security for their homes might want to avoid this feature. The ability to look at a picture taken a few years ago and know exactly where it was taken isn’t worth it. Someone bent on mischief and mayhem could see that photograph and figure out a person’s favorite places for hanging out.

Geotagging may even diminish the effectiveness of basic home security essentials like surveillance cameras and intruder alarms because a family’s location is made public, which results in a loss of anonymity. Social media websites are incredibly insecure, and with a few clicks, a family’s entire daily routine may be shared through geotagged photographs.

Additionally, posting a geotagged photograph while on vacation could be exactly what a thief needs to confirm that your home is empty because you’re on the other side of the world posting pictures on Facebook about your trip to the Great Barrier Reef.

Be Aware of Geotagging

Today, most smartphones today automatically geotag images, and most social media websites like Facebook, Foursquare, and Gowalla will use geotagged information to broadcast the location from which a photograph was taken. In most cases, users of these social media websites aren’t even aware that geotagging exists, and are unlikely to know that this feature is turned on by default.

Note that popular photography sites like Picasa and Flickr may also provide geotagging information with pictures, but this feature must be activated by a user and is not engaged as a default option.

Beyond photographs, social media websites like Facebook will also provide geotagged coordinates for simple status updates, so telling the world your exact location might require nothing more than posting “hey guys, the beach is wonderful today!” on your status update.

Avoiding Geotagging

Enhancing GA security begins with attention paid to websites that may use geotagged information as well as the devices used to access the Internet. Virtually all smartphones (and devices like tablet computers and phablets) offer geotagging technology, but not all manufacturers have this feature turned on by default. It’s important to turn this feature off and only engage it in rare circumstances.

Before using geotagging, consider the following precautions:

1. Never upload geotagged photographs while on vacation. Wait to do it after returning home.
2. Avoid geotagging photographs that show children.
3. Don’t geotag any photograph of the family’s home, your workplace or any private setting.

Geotagging isn’t a feature that smartphone users should avoid completely; however, using it sparingly is best. Using these simple guidelines will enhance the safety of the family, and ensure that home security essentials and monitoring systems are able to keep a family safe and secure from the prying eyes of potential thieves.

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The Best Home Alarm Systems for Renters

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on November 5, 2013

Renters have long operated under the assumption that installation of a security system is impossible in a rented space due to lease restrictions. However, today's wireless systems offer installation options that feature almost zero impact on a rented home or apartment. Just a few years ago, a lightweight security system would require modifications to the electrical system and lengthy wires strewn all around the residence.

Today, on the other hand, a home security service can install a wireless system where all functions can be handled from a single interface that connects wirelessly to a variety of devices such as cameras, proximity alarms and lamp timers. Alarm systems today don't even require access to a landline and can be monitored securely through cellular networks. Wireless monitoring also offers enhanced security because it's impossible to cut a wireless signal and interrupt the security system as might be done with a landline.

More Renters Need Security Systems

With the economy still in a state of slow recovery, renting has become much more popular as Americans work to get back on their feet after a few tough years. According to the National Multi Housing Council (NMHC), there were over a million renters in the state of Georgia in 2012 out of over 9.5 million residents. That's a large segment of the population with the potential to benefit from advances in wireless security systems.

Economic hardship and uncertainty have also led to rises in crime in many areas of the U.S., which has increased the importance of having a security system installed to protect the family. Although data suggests a recent decrease in overall crime in Albany, burglaries remain common.

Cost-Effective Solutions for Security

A home security service is often able to give homeowners significant discounts because there is the expectation of a contract and several years of uninterrupted service. Apartment dwellers often have much less certainty as far as length of stay is concerned and aren't always eligible for those deep discounts associated with monitored security systems.

The cost-effective nature of wireless systems offers renters new options for security system installation due to the ease of installing (and uninstalling) a system. Today's wireless systems may even be packed up and taken to a new residence in the event a renter moves into a new home. Asking a GA security company whether a contract can be taken to a new residence prior to installation is a good idea.

Advanced Features of Today's Wireless Systems

One of the greatest benefits of today's security systems is the remote monitoring available through a smartphone or any other Internet-ready device. The ability to connect with a home's wireless security system means that a parent can disarm or arm the security system from anywhere in the world when a child arrives home from school.

In addition, the benefits of a modern security system reach beyond issues of security since many systems today allow users to adjust the thermostat or turn the lights on or off. Residents who choose to install security cameras can view the video feed through a smart phone or computer as well as receive email or text notifications when a problem occurs.

Investigating GA security options is essential for keeping a family as safe as possible. Fortunately, families who rent a home or apartment no longer need to leave their residence and belongings unprotected.

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Fire Safety Tips for Fall

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on November 1, 2013

Fall is a good time of year to make sure your home is protected from the possibility of a fire. There are many safety precautions to be considered. While these tasks may seem like a bother to some people, you will be glad you did them if disaster strikes. After all, protecting your family and home is worth the extra effort.

If you do not already have fire prevention systems installed in your house, it would be wise to consult with a fire monitoring company immediately. Putting this issue off until a later date could be dangerous. Installing fire prevention systems as soon as possible will ensure that you, your family and your home are safe. If you fail to hire a fire monitoring company soon enough, it could result in a tragedy that is completely avoidable.

The tips listed below will help you and your family avoid a possible fire-related disaster this fall:

1. Home Heating

When the cold weather finally arrives, homeowners use various devices that are used by people to heat their homes. However, people often do not realize that problems could have developed in the heating device as it was sitting idle for many months. Therefore, it is critical that a thorough examination of your heating device be done before the cold weather arrives for good. Making sure your heating device is fully operational will help to prevent the device from causing a fire. It will also be less likely the device will break down in the dead of winter.

2. Changing Your Batteries

Carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are essential for the safety of your home. Therefore, it is important that they always have strong batteries inside of them. Forgetting to change the batteries in these devices could literally mean the difference between life and death. A good way to remember when to replace the batteries is to simply do it during Daylight Savings Time. After you have finished replacing the batteries, this is an ideal time to test all of the fire extinguishers to make sure they are working properly.

3. Space Heaters

Space heaters are a very useful and convenient device to have on a cold winter night. They make it easy to heat a single room without the expense of heating an entire house. However, there are a number of very real dangers that go along with using a space heater. Here are some tips to keep yourself safe:

– When the space heater is turned on, avoid having any flammable items near it.
– Furniture and drapes should always remain at a safe distance when a space heater is in operation.
– Make sure that the space heater you use is equipped with a cut-off switch. This switch will immediately turn the heater off if it is knocked over or starts to overheat.
– Always keep the air intake clear on the heater. Blocking this intake will cause the device to overheat. You should create a perimeter of three feet around the space heater.
– Turn off the space heater if you go out of your home, even if you will only be gone for a short time.
– Placing clothes on a space heater to dry them is dangerous because they could ignite.

4. Fireplaces

Here are some fall safety tips if your home has a fireplace:

– Gasoline should never be used as an accelerant.
– Your chimney should be cleaned by a professional chimney sweep in the fall.
– A technician should examine the lines and connections if you happen to have a natural gas fireplace.
– Always have a person monitoring your fire.
– A screen should be used to keep sparks inside the fireplace.
– Your chimney should be inspected for safety each year.

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Workplace Safety Tips

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on November 1, 2013

Creating a safe working environment requires attention to several fundamental elements. Employee and visitor safety, evacuation and security procedures, and the regular maintenance of company property all play a role in effective workplace safety. Ignoring any facet of safety and security could put employees in danger and could also reduce productivity and company profits.

Preventing Accidents in the Workplace

Just as a parent might require special equipment around the house to keep children safe, the average workplace must also be outfitted with safe equipment as well as a program designed to address safety issues. All business owners should consider creating an accident prevention program (APP) for their place of business.
There are many resources available for developing an effective APP. One of the most valuable features of such a program is that potential hazards in the workplace can be found and resolved before anyone is injured. An accident in the workplace may jeopardize the future health of a business. Therefore, reducing the potential for employee injuries protects a company’s reputation and financial future.

Enhancing Fire Safety and Evacuation Procedures

Everyone remembers lining up in the hallways of elementary schools for fire drills, but these safety drills aren’t just appropriate for young children. According to a report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, at least 116 fatalities in 2012 were related to fires in the workplace.
The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) provides business owners with valuable safety tips that will help to keep employees from becoming one of the estimated 5,000 workers injured each year, as well as reduce the estimated $2.3 billion in property damage caused by fires annually.

Reducing Crime and Potential for Violence

In addition to accidents and fire-related injuries, Recent numbers from OSHA suggest that at least 2 million workers in U.S. experience violence in the workplace each year. With many cases likely unreported, the potential for experiencing violence at work may impact a worker’s feelings of safety whether he works at a desk in an office building or on an assembly line at a manufacturing plant.

Developing a crime prevention program in any type of workplace requires attention to a full range of security devices and procedures. Most premises benefit from installation of an access door and systems that prevent unauthorized access to sensitive areas. Georgia security systems equipped with security cameras and alarms that signal security breaches are essential tools for keeping a workplace safe.

Maintaining a Clean Environment

Maintaining a clean environment is also important in workplace safety. Dirty machinery may become dangerous and suffer malfunctions, which presents a danger to employees. Likewise, an environment that is not cleaned on a regular basis may create a breeding ground for bacteria and impact employee health. Employees who are sick and can’t work cost the company money.

Although proper safety in the workplace requires time and investment from a company, looking into government resources for employee safety and installing comprehensive Georgia security systems are the best options for creating a safe work environment. Protect business investment, improve employee satisfaction and enhance company profits through a broad health and safety plan.

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