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Posts Tagged ‘Georgia security systems’

Workplace Safety Tips

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on November 1, 2013

Creating a safe working environment requires attention to several fundamental elements. Employee and visitor safety, evacuation and security procedures, and the regular maintenance of company property all play a role in effective workplace safety. Ignoring any facet of safety and security could put employees in danger and could also reduce productivity and company profits.

Preventing Accidents in the Workplace

Just as a parent might require special equipment around the house to keep children safe, the average workplace must also be outfitted with safe equipment as well as a program designed to address safety issues. All business owners should consider creating an accident prevention program (APP) for their place of business.
There are many resources available for developing an effective APP. One of the most valuable features of such a program is that potential hazards in the workplace can be found and resolved before anyone is injured. An accident in the workplace may jeopardize the future health of a business. Therefore, reducing the potential for employee injuries protects a company’s reputation and financial future.

Enhancing Fire Safety and Evacuation Procedures

Everyone remembers lining up in the hallways of elementary schools for fire drills, but these safety drills aren’t just appropriate for young children. According to a report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, at least 116 fatalities in 2012 were related to fires in the workplace.
The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) provides business owners with valuable safety tips that will help to keep employees from becoming one of the estimated 5,000 workers injured each year, as well as reduce the estimated $2.3 billion in property damage caused by fires annually.

Reducing Crime and Potential for Violence

In addition to accidents and fire-related injuries, Recent numbers from OSHA suggest that at least 2 million workers in U.S. experience violence in the workplace each year. With many cases likely unreported, the potential for experiencing violence at work may impact a worker’s feelings of safety whether he works at a desk in an office building or on an assembly line at a manufacturing plant.

Developing a crime prevention program in any type of workplace requires attention to a full range of security devices and procedures. Most premises benefit from installation of an access door and systems that prevent unauthorized access to sensitive areas. Georgia security systems equipped with security cameras and alarms that signal security breaches are essential tools for keeping a workplace safe.

Maintaining a Clean Environment

Maintaining a clean environment is also important in workplace safety. Dirty machinery may become dangerous and suffer malfunctions, which presents a danger to employees. Likewise, an environment that is not cleaned on a regular basis may create a breeding ground for bacteria and impact employee health. Employees who are sick and can’t work cost the company money.

Although proper safety in the workplace requires time and investment from a company, looking into government resources for employee safety and installing comprehensive Georgia security systems are the best options for creating a safe work environment. Protect business investment, improve employee satisfaction and enhance company profits through a broad health and safety plan.

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What Small Businesses Need to Know About Georgia Security Systems

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on August 30, 2013

In the Information Age, the small business that is best able to protect its proprietary information will be the most successful company in its industry. Protecting information means that a company must invest in the proper security to maintain its physical as well as its digital stability. After all, digital security begins with physical security. Central Monitoring, a provider of Georgia security systems fully understands this concept.

A small business never knows from what angle it will be attacked for its information. Only those fully prepared with Georgia security systems are able to address the widespread forms of sabotage that can be initiated. From physical security to digital security, your Albany security is fully covered.

Below are just a few of the features you can expect in your Albany security business package.

Perimeter Protection

At a minimum, commercial businesses must protect their perimeter and points of entry. If your business has an attic, a back door or even a window, you can bet that anyone who has been casing your building knows about it no matter how secret you feel that it may be.

A perimeter protection program will allow you to monitor your business 24 hours a day, seven days a week, even when no one is physically at the building. You, as well as the authorities, will be alerted at the first sign of suspicious behavior or a suspected break in.

Interior motion systems

Information theft does not only occur from outside, but from inside a business as well. Interior motion systems will allow you to monitor any movement at weird times when you are not physically at the location. This interior motion system can monitor employees as well as outside threats.

Your employees, no matter how judiciously they are vetted, may be the ones that you need to watch most closely. Employees will likely have the ability to override a perimeter alarm system. However, this second level of protection will keep your information safe from the inside as well.

Video Surveillance

Although many experts do not have enough data to conclude that video gives a residential area better security, they agree overwhelmingly that video surveillance helps commercial businesses tremendously. As a matter of fact, video surveillance will provide a final level of security, which will create a wall that is very difficult to penetrate from the inside or the outside.

Even if a threat to your business were able to get past the perimeter security and the interior motion security (not likely), they would be captured by video surveillance, which is set on completely different circuits from the other two forms of security. This means that you will still have evidence that can be used in a courtroom even if only one of the three security systems works.

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Peace of Mind is a Touch Away with Remote Access to Your Georgia Security System

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on August 23, 2013

With an Albany security system, you can be assured that your family is alerted to emergency situations such as fire, intruders or medical emergencies. Whether keeping your family safe, helping a business run smoothly or satisfying your curiosity about how your pets spend their day without you, Georgia security systems will be there to help.

Many of these Georgia security systems allow remote access to your home or business to keep you in the loop through your wireless handheld devices. Total Connect is one such remote system available in Albany, Georgia.

Total Connect can provide real-time alerts that will contact you via text, email or video when a specified event takes place, such as when the kids get home, or when the last employee leaves the office. It can be set up to alert you when a liquor or gun cabinet has been unlocked. Maybe Grandpa has wandered out of the house without needed supervision. The real-time alert will let you know. Maybe the basement water heater has sprung a leak and is flooding your basement. You will be alerted. Perhaps your furnace has gone out, and the temperature indoors is dropping dramatically. They will alert you. If you can think of a situation that you would need to be aware of, Total Connect can set your system to contact you immediately.

Total Connect also offers video services. You will be able to check in on how the babysitter is bonding with the kids. If you are gone and your teen is supposed to be in by curfew, the alert will let you know when he or she arrives. Maybe you have a new pet and would like to see how it is adapting to being alone in the house. Total Connect will let you peek in and see what is happening. With video monitoring in your business, you will be able to keep track of employees or monitor cash register receipts with live video or snapshots. Cameras throughout your home or business will allow you to view all rooms at the same time and pan the area to give you a complete view of the area being monitored.

With a remote keypad application, you will be able to access your home or business security system anywhere in the world from your smartphone, iPad or any other compatible wireless hand-held device. You will be able to turn off lights, change room temperatures, receive alerts, bypass a door for maintenance entry, disarm or arm your security system, control your garage or warehouse door, and turn on or off lights to help your home appear occupied when you are away. You can also set your system for multiple accounts for vacation homes or franchises. Can you imagine having this much control over your home or business in the palm of your hand?

Albany security has never been easier to attain. With a simple call to Central Monitoring, you can have peace of mind. Your family or business is totally worth it!

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Why Georgia Security Systems Monitor Carbon Monoxide

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on August 19, 2013

Carbon monoxide is a gas that is untraceable. It cannot be seen, tasted or smelled, and that is why it is sometimes referred to as the "silent killer."

When fuels do not burn properly, carbon monoxide can become present in the air. Some of the culprits include gas, coal, propane and methane. The most well-known carbon monoxide gases come from vehicles that are left running in garages. The threat also exists in heating appliances that do not have enough air to let the gas escape.

Since carbon monoxide cannot be easily seen, you cannot rely on certain symptoms to determine the presence of the deadly gas. Most people will begin to get constant headaches, dizziness or extreme drowsiness. If a person is exposed to carbon monoxide for a long period of time, he or she could experience immense damage to the major organs, and death could be possible.

Even if you do not have any symptoms, your Albany security company can help you install carbon monoxide detectors properly. There are many specific tasks that should be done to make certain that the alarms work properly, so it is in your best interest to have a professional help with the job.

Georgia security systems offer this in-home protection from carbon monoxide and fire. Besides keeping your perimeter safe, you will also be protected from gases and other dangerous situations. It is extremely important to have the carbon monoxide detectors in many of the same places as fire alarms. You can purchase combination fire and carbon monoxide detectors to make the process easier for you.

It is recommended to have one of these detectors in a centralized location and also on every level of your home. It is best to have them located directly outside of the bedrooms to prevent an entire night of breathing in the deadly gas. The Albany security systems you put into place can also have all of the detectors wired together. When this is done, all of the detectors will sound simultaneously as soon as one is triggered. This keeps everyone safe all of the time.

A provider of Georgia security systems can help you with the interconnection of carbon monoxide detectors. If your alarm does sound, you must get everyone in the home, including the pets, outside into the fresh air. It is absolutely essential to do this immediately. You should then call 9-1-1 and your security company to help you to remedy the situation. The local fire company can also help you stay safe with carbon monoxide problems.

Carbon monoxide has taken many people's lives, and the truth is that many of these fatalities could have been prevented. Make sure that the detector(s) you choose have been properly tested, and you may want to do some online comparisons before you purchase a device. It’s also important to understand the difference in the sound created by the fire alarm and the carbon monoxide alarm. This will help you to pinpoint the real problem faster.

Be safe and contact your Albany security company for more help regarding the installation and usage of carbon monoxide detectors.

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Back-to-School Safety Advice from Central Monitoring—Experts in Georgia Security Systems

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on August 8, 2013

As summer comes to an end and thoughts turn back to school, children prepare to return to the classroom, and parents start worrying about how to keep them safe. Specialists in Albany security may protect little ones while they’re home during the summer with state-of-the-art security systems, but more than two million children under the age of 14 are injured in school-related activities each year, according to the National Safety Kids Campaign.

Fortunately, many of these injuries can be prevented by simply following some basic safety tips.

On the Way To and From School

Whether your child walks, rides their bike, or rides the bus to school every day, here are some helpful tips to ensure the safety of your child as he or she travels back and forth from school.

If you live close to school allowing your child to easily walk back and forth each day, you should create a set of safety rules and go over them with your child. Here are some suggestions:

  • Always walk on the sidewalk if one is available.
  • Stop and look both ways before crossing the street.
  • Never run out in front of or behind a parked car.

Parents should try to walk their children to and from school for a few days to make sure they fully understand these vital safety precautions. If this is not an option, do a dry run on the weekend before school starts.

Here are some safety rules for your child if he or she rides a bike to school:

  • Always wear a helmet and make sure it’s strapped on correctly.
  • Learn and follow the rules of the road.
  • Ride in a straight line on the right side of the road.
  • Come to a complete stop and look in all directions before crossing the street.

The bus can very convenient for most parents and children that live too far away to walk or ride their bike to school. However, there are some precautions that your child should take if they ride the bus.

  • Never stand in the street while waiting for the bus. Stand at least six feet away from the curb.
  • Be sure the bus comes to a complete stop before getting into the street.
  • If you must cross the street in front of a bus, be sure to cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus, so the bus driver can see you.
  • Do not stop or kneed directly in front of a bus for any reason.
  • After boarding the bus, find a seat quickly and sit down.

School Safety Tips

Every year, millions of injuries occur at school, but many of them are completely preventable. By following a few basic tips, you can help ensure the safety of your child while at school.

Injuries can happen anywhere at your child’s school, but not surprisingly, the majority of injuries happen on the playground. For added safety, try encouraging your child not to play on playgrounds with hard concrete or asphalt surfaces. If your child is still a little tot, don’t let them use climbing equipment, such as the monkey bars, because they are meant for older children who can land safely on their feet.

For additional Albany security and safety tips, visit central911.com. Central Monitoring is a leader in Georgia security systems and the dedicated staff members are true security professionals in every way. Whether you need a new security system to protect your loved ones and your possessions, or you just need some safety advice, Central Monitoring is here to help with all of your security needs.​

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How CCTV Could Help Your Georgia Business

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on June 10, 2013

As a business, you are concerned with making as much money as possible, while losing as little money as possible. One of the biggest ways that a business can lose money is through theft, which is why loss prevention has always been a major aspect of business. Every company has a different loss prevention strategy, but some things apply to each and every company out there that is trying to prevent theft. One of those is a CCTV system. If you have heard the acronym but aren’t quite sure what it means, CCTV stands for Closed Circuit Television. CCTV refers to one or more security cameras, which are projecting a feed to a monitor or series of monitors located somewhere nearby. The cameras can provide a live feed and record what they are looking at, or they can do both. 

CCTV in Georgia for Loss Prevention

One of the main uses of CCTV in Georgia is for loss prevention. When you have cameras monitoring your store, you can easily monitor every one of your customers. Since you would not be able to keep an eye on every corner in the store at once, CCTV allows you to do so effectively. In addition, you can keep your cameras on at night in case someone tries to burglarize your business. The cameras will help you identify the culprit, so the police can easily track him or her down. In addition, CCTV cameras keep an eye on your employees to ensure that they aren’t slipping change from the register, spending their time on the phone or giving away free merchandise to their friends. 

Using Georgia Security Systems for Legal Protection

Cameras provide you with other benefits aside from loss prevention. Most notably, they provide documented proof of a situation in case a scene is started inside your store. Some customers are notorious for trying to get away with things inside businesses, because they feel that they can get away with it, but your cameras will give you proof that your company did nothing wrong. This footage can save you from a big lawsuit, which could potentially bring your company down, so it’s important to always have those cameras rolling. As long as you have proof of an event, you will be protected.

Installing Georgia Security Systems

In addition to cameras, there are other aspects of a security system that you could have installed in order to protect your business in the most effective way possible. One of the most popular is an alarm. You can have loss prevention alarms by the doors and burglar alarms on your doors and windows to ensure that if anyone tries to steal anything or break in, the alarm will go off and alert the police. If you are interested in installing a CCTV system or a more comprehensive security system, don’t hesitate to get a quote today. It could save you a massive amount of money in the long run.

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