Central Monitoring News

Peace of Mind is a Touch Away with Remote Access to Your Georgia Security System

Posted by Central Monitoring Services, Inc. on August 23, 2013

With an Albany security system, you can be assured that your family is alerted to emergency situations such as fire, intruders or medical emergencies. Whether keeping your family safe, helping a business run smoothly or satisfying your curiosity about how your pets spend their day without you, Georgia security systems will be there to help.

Many of these Georgia security systems allow remote access to your home or business to keep you in the loop through your wireless handheld devices. Total Connect is one such remote system available in Albany, Georgia.

Total Connect can provide real-time alerts that will contact you via text, email or video when a specified event takes place, such as when the kids get home, or when the last employee leaves the office. It can be set up to alert you when a liquor or gun cabinet has been unlocked. Maybe Grandpa has wandered out of the house without needed supervision. The real-time alert will let you know. Maybe the basement water heater has sprung a leak and is flooding your basement. You will be alerted. Perhaps your furnace has gone out, and the temperature indoors is dropping dramatically. They will alert you. If you can think of a situation that you would need to be aware of, Total Connect can set your system to contact you immediately.

Total Connect also offers video services. You will be able to check in on how the babysitter is bonding with the kids. If you are gone and your teen is supposed to be in by curfew, the alert will let you know when he or she arrives. Maybe you have a new pet and would like to see how it is adapting to being alone in the house. Total Connect will let you peek in and see what is happening. With video monitoring in your business, you will be able to keep track of employees or monitor cash register receipts with live video or snapshots. Cameras throughout your home or business will allow you to view all rooms at the same time and pan the area to give you a complete view of the area being monitored.

With a remote keypad application, you will be able to access your home or business security system anywhere in the world from your smartphone, iPad or any other compatible wireless hand-held device. You will be able to turn off lights, change room temperatures, receive alerts, bypass a door for maintenance entry, disarm or arm your security system, control your garage or warehouse door, and turn on or off lights to help your home appear occupied when you are away. You can also set your system for multiple accounts for vacation homes or franchises. Can you imagine having this much control over your home or business in the palm of your hand?

Albany security has never been easier to attain. With a simple call to Central Monitoring, you can have peace of mind. Your family or business is totally worth it!

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